an exhibition of surreal digital art created by Demetrios Vakras

Gallery of digital works 2022

dreaming moribundbiomechanism ε

dreaming moribundbiomechanism φ

psychopath lair


volcanomechanism 2

silent rising


at the edge

judges’ chambers - urinal

the seraphim

Orthodox Sheela na gig


Dieu et mon Droit - Orthodoxy and the apotheosis of murder. Mother Russia as the Orthodox Church

harpy dominion

impossible fulfilment of desire

Acolytes assisting at the dedication of  the divine  judicial altar

evolution of the spheres


skeletal  fucking press

skeletal  fucking press 2

angel of splendours

mother -biomechanism

of this men shall know nothing

kouros (boy)

franken boygirlboy

the burden - revisited

the burden - spectre

globus cruciger -  putrefaction

winged sceptre


judicial reichsadler

judicial reichsadler 2


herm of the Supreme Court of Victoria

cloudburst dissolution

phytolith V2022

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CGI     |     Gallery 1999>     |     Gallery 2003     |     Gallery 2004>     |     Gallery  2018     |     Gallery 2019     |     Gallery 2020     |      Gallery 2021     |     Gallery 2022     |     Gallery 2023     |     Gallery  2024

All images © copyright Demetrios Vakras

I assert the Moral Right over my images per the Berne Convention, 6bis

Additionally, per theICESCR, Article 15, 1. "The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone: (c) To benefit from the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author."

Use of any image from this site to train LLMs ("AI") automatically breaches my Moral Rights